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Our History

The Association was established in 1991 as a voluntary nonprofit organization, originally known as the Greater Denton Legal Assistants Association (GDLAA).  In 2005, the Association changed its name to the Denton County Paralegal Association (DCPA).  Since its founding, the DCPA has steadily increased membership, developed a reputation for high standards, and fostered respect within the legal community.

Our Purpose

DCPA’s purpose is to promote the professional objectives and goals of paralegals in Denton County, Texas; to encourage, promote, and conduct programs of continuing education and professional development; and to promote high standards of integrity and professionalism for paralegals.

Our Mission Statement
The DCPA’s mission is to promote the paralegal profession and goals of the paralegal by
  1. Recognizing the unique challenges facing the paralegal.
  2. Emphasizing continuing legal education among members of the profession.
  3. Promoting high standards of integrity and professionalism for paralegals.
  4. Advocating utilization of the paralegal as a valued team member.
  5. Offering networking opportunities among peers.
  6. Providing a voice for its members on the issues facing the paralegal profession.
  7. Establishing positive fellowship among Association members and members of the legal community.
  8. Encouraging involvement in community service projects through DCPA or other non-profit organizations.

Code of Ethics

To effect its purpose, DCPA adopts as a guideline for professional conduct the Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility of the Paralegal Division of the State Bar of Texas.

DCPA is a member of the Texas Alliance of Paralegal Association

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